

OTS is pleased to provide an array of meteorological and oceanographic data collection systems using calibrated sensors and proven remote communications to deliver high quality data to our customers.
We work closely with our product partners to design the most appropriate and cost-effective data collection systems based on our customers’ project specifics and data needs. Our experienced personnel will provide complete turn-key services for sampling strategies, mooring design, installation, maintenance, and daily performance monitoring.

Our primary data collection areas include:

  • Traditional surface data buoys
  • Floating-LiDAR systems for site-specific wind resource assessment
  • Ocean current and wave measurements
  • Land-based LiDAR systems
  • Land-based meteorological stations
  • Visibility stations
  • Avian, bat, and marine mammal detection systems


Ocean Tech offers subsea services requiring side scan sonar and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to a variety of clients in the marine industry.

OTS owns and operates EdgeTech sonar systems, deck winches and navigation systems ready for rapid mobilization to inland or offshore locations.

Our SubAtlantic Apache ROV can accommodate a range of state-of-the-art sensors and is self-contained in an 8’x10’ container to insure ease of lifting, quick response time and quality results. We provide highly qualified professional SONAR and ROV operators and technicians, ready to respond.

Examples of SIDE SCAN SONAR and ROV services we provide include:


  • Seabed mapping and site clearance
  • Pipeline, debris field and route surveys
  • Object location, identification and recovery
  • SONAR data post-processing, mosaicking, and target identification


  • Search and recovery tasks
  • Bridge, dam, and structural inspections
  • Cable route and pipeline surveys
  • Cable burial verification
  • Scour protection placement support
  • Marine construction support
  • Salvage


With our combined 60+ years of experience in the marine industry, we have developed a robust understanding and appreciation for the behind-the-scenes support services involved in the successful completion of a marine project. Over the years we have built a solid network of connections and resources to help achieve project goals. OTS is pleased to provide our expertise and assistance in coordinating and supporting various aspects of your project, such as:

  • Buoy regulatory and environmental permitting
  • Qualified and certified offshore personnel support
  • Vessel coordination
  • Waterfront staging facilities
  • Site preparation
  • Mooring system design and preparation
  • Ground logistics and coordination
  • Product training