OTS Provides FLiDAR Deployment Services for Wind Resource Assessment Campaign

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Ocean Tech Services (OTS) has completed the installation of two AXYS FLiDAR (floating LiDAR) buoys off the coast of southern New Jersey. The buoys will collect and transmit wind profiles, surface meteorology and oceanographic data at key locations within a proposed offshore windfarm area. The first buoy was successfully deployed during June of 2018 and the second buoy in July 2018.

OTS provided shoreside logistics services at the Avalon, NJ facility for equipment deliveries, buoy assembly and testing, mooring assembly and load out. Additionally, OTS provided support for project safety inductions and risk mitigation planning. The FLiDAR systems were towed from the OTS facility to the project sites by Northstar Marine Inc. (Avalon, NJ) where they were deployed and commissioned to begin a two-year data collection campaign.

Read the OffshoreWind.biz article HERE