Health, Safety & Environment

Ocean Tech Services considers the health and safety of our employees as paramount. Getting our employees and contractors safely home to their families is our number one priority.

In order to work safely in challenging environments our employees are provided with professional level training to increase safety preparedness and safety self-awareness while at work onshore and offshore. We provide our employees training such as:

  • Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
    • Offshore survival
    • Helicopter escape
    • Onboard firefighting
    • First Aid and CPR
  • Confined space entry (OPITO)
  • Vessel to vessel transfer (GWO)
  • Fork truck operation (OSHA)
  • Rigging (OSHA)

We will provide the training necessary to meet our clients internal requirements, and will continue to keep pace with industry requirements.

We maintain a healthy work environment and to ensure that our employees stay healthy we provide health insurance and paid visits to certified medical providers for medical examinations as required by regulation and industry standards.

The protection of the environment is a key component of our offshore operations. We strive to keep the ocean clean and safe for marine life and the ecosystem. We consider protection of our work environment to be everyone’s responsibility.

Our Safety Management System (SMS) is incorporated into our company Health and Safety Manual. Our SMS is a living document that we continually update to keep pace with the growth of the company’s capabilities.

At Ocean Tech Services our goal is zero harm to people and the environment.